Clubs & Activities
Yearly Events
International Night
International Night is one of HHIE's favorite family events! It is where students and families travel the world in one fun evening celebrating the diversity of our school! Activities during International Night include: African Drumming, Necklace Making, and Zumba to name a few!
STEM Night
STEM Family night was new to the 2021-2022 School Year! It was a fun virtual event where students and families conducted science experiments, built towers, and participated in entertaining games! We are hoping next year this can be an in-person event.
Evening of the Arts
Evening of the Arts is typically held in the month of December. It is an event where HHIE students can showcase their amazing artwork from the school year, as well as the Singing Sea Otters, and GT Arts theatre students perform!
Exhibition Night
Exhibition Night is when fifth graders present their work on their culminating project through Exhibition to their families and friends! The exhibition represents a significant opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile developed throughout their engagement with the PYP!
Science Fair
During Science Fair students become inquirers to research and conduct science experiments on a topic of interest. Students take the data from their experiments to create a product and then present their projects to judges.
Water/Field Day
Water/Field Day is HHIE's end of the year celebration for our students sponsored by our amazing PTO. Students get to slide on water slides, play water games, and participate in other field day activities!
ML Family Night
ML Family Night is an informative evening for our multilingual families. Parents learn strategies to help their children as well as hearing from outside guests. It is a fun evening of food and fellowship.
Literacy Night
Literacy Night is held around Read Across America Week. It is a fun evening of celebrating the love of reading. Families participate in different activities based off a book or character as well as meet guest authors.
Meet and Greet
HHIE offers several Meet and Greets throughout the school year for families to visit the school, and talk to their teachers and administrative staff. This is a great opportunity for families to see what the school day is like for their child.
Author Visits
Each year, HHIE invites an award winning author to visit our students. This is an exciting time for our students to get to meet the authors of their favorite books, and for them to learn about what it takes to become an author. Leading up to an author event, students read the stories, create book marks, create artwork, watch book trailers, and participate in book talks! Previous authors have included, David Biedrzycki and Matt de la Pena.
2023 Confirmed Author, Aaron Reynolds, author of 'Creepy Carrots, and Creepy Underwear.'
After School Clubs
Performing Arts
Each year HHIE has 2 theater performances. In the Fall, 4th and 5th grade GT Arts students produce a Winter play. In the Spring all 3rd-5th grade students are invited to audition for our Spring musical or participate as part of our Stage Crew. The Stage Crew members are responsible for designing and building the costumes, props and scenery and running the show
Past Performances
Finding Nemo, Jr.
James and the Giant Peach
School House Rock Live, Jr.
Junie B Jones, Jr
Aladdin Dual Language Musical
There are no resources or collections to display
Student Council
Fifth grade students have the opportunity to run for Student Council at the start of the school year. Each 5th grade class gets three class representatives. Each class holds their own election, where students give a speech as to why they should represent their homerooms. Students vote for their peers. Then once elected, they can choose to run for officer. Any student council rep can run in this election, which is held in front of the entire 5th grade.
Being a part of Student Council allows students to participate in various events within the school, and be in charge of certain jobs. Students learn how to properly raise and lower the flags at both entrances along with the proper way to fold it by our HHIHS ROTC students. Students also hold an annual fundraiser for our Rock Shop where they make and sell Valentine Grams. During the 2023-204 school year we raised over $500! Students are also in charge of recycling for the entire school, and refilling all the hand sanitizer stations throughout the building. In the spring, students participate and cheer on students in the Special Olympics.
2023-2024 Student Council Members
Storm the Citadel
2022 Storm the Citadel Competition
2020 Storm the Citadel Competition
2019 Storm the Citadel Competition
Students who wish to compete at the Storm the Citadel in February apply to join the club in the fall. Students have to complete a 3 paragraph essay explaining what makes them a good candidate for the team including any LEGO or robotics experience they’ve had in the past. Once the club is formed, we meet once a month for three months leading up to the February competition. The ages of competitors have varied from year to year.
The mystery challenge is revealed the morning of the competition, and students have two hours to redesign, build, and code their robot to complete the puzzle and earn as many points as possible in the shortest amount of time. Students have two chances to earn the most points. LEGO golf is when two teams go head-to-head with each other trying to get their own 6 pucks into the center along with the opposing team’s pucks all under a minute. This challenge is completed in a bracket format, so the winning team has to continuously compete against other teams until the final two are left.
The first two years we attended, we also competed in the Trebuchet competition, and the second year we also did the water bottle rockets. The past two years we went, we chose to focus only on the two robotics competitions. In the four years that HHIE has attended, Storm the Citadel, students have won a total of 13 trophies!
- 2022 Robotics Competition
- Won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in LEGO Golf,
- Won 1st and 2nd place in Mystery Challenge
- 2020 Robotics Competition
- Won 3rd and 4th place in Mystery Challenge
- 2019 Robotics Competition
- Won 2nd and 3rd in Mystery Challenge
- Won 3rd place in LEGO Golf
- 2018 Robotics Competition
- Won 1st and 2nd place in Mystery Challenge
- 2018 Trebuchet Competition; won the Best Video Award
2020 Storm the Citadel Competition
2022 Storm the Citadel Competition
Early Act Club
Early Act Club is service-based club that is sponsored by the Hilton Head Rotary. This is a yearly club that meets in the media center the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Students in the Early Act Club get to hear from guest speakers about topics concerning or to help improve Hilton Head Island. Students also take Action by volunteering at food banks, cleaning up trash on the beach, and so much more!
More information coming soon