Visiting our School
Although we welcome visits from families, volunteers, and community members, the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority. All visitors will be required to sign-in before entering our building, using our Raptor visitor management software. When visiting our school, plan to do the following:
- Bring your Driver’s License or Photo ID
- Enter the building ONLY through the main office entrance. You will need to ring the doorbell and wait for the door to be opened by a front office employee. Students, teachers, and other staff members are NOT allowed to let visitors into the building.
- In the front office, your Photo ID will be scanned via our Raptor software, and checked against public offender registries.
- Visitors will receive a temporary ID sticker that must be worn for the entirety of your visit.
- When exiting the school, return your temporary ID sticker to the front office to sign out.
School Hours
Classes will begin each morning at 7:45 a.m., and our doors will open each morning at 7:15 a.m.
Students will be dismissed each afternoon at 2:45 p.m. After-school programs are available at the Island Recreation Center, which will send a staff member to walk our students to the Rec Center at dismissal time. Transportation will be provided to the Boys and Girls Club and Children’s Center. Neighborhood Outreach Center also coordinates after-school programs for some students. For more information about all available programs, please call the school office at 843-342-4100.
School Safety
- All exterior doors remain locked from the outside
- Personnel monitor main entrances and access to building is limited to badged personnel
- Visitors must scan in with a photo ID and wear printed badge
- Volunteers must complete application and consent for background check through BCSD prior to being alone with any student
- Monthly safety drills are conducted to practice routines and procedures for emergency situations to include fire drills and/or lockdown drills
Classroom Safety
- Classroom doors remained locked while students are present
- Teachers establish routines and procedures that adhere to our school wide PBIS program
- Routines and procedures for responding to emergency situations are practiced monthly and discussed during classroom meetings
- Emergency Management Guides, Exit Maps and First aid kits are readily available in classroom
- Classroom windows/ doors have covers present and available
Playground Safety
- Each classroom is escorted to and from the playground actively supervised by grade level teachers and/ or staff members
- One staff member from each playground carries a radio for communication to main office and nurse
- Teachers establish routines and procedures for safely using playground equipment
- Emergency protocols and plans have been established in the event that students would need to be evacuated from the playground
Personal Safety
- Each student is provided a unique login and password for their Ipad or HP device as well as internet safety guidance
- Each student is provided with a transportation tag secured to their backpack; car tags are used to pick up students from car line
- School counselors provide monthly guidance lessons that address social, emotional and physical well-being
- Students used a buddy system when traveling through the building